Guest Editorial: The Sky Is Falling! Whoa! Let's take a few deep breaths and calmly assess some of the news hype over April 30, 2009 Government Accounting Office (GAO) report on GPS. Firstly, read the actual report ( and not the wildly imaginative interpretations recently spewed out by a .... Read the Article |
ASPRS 75th Anniversary Without a doubt, photogrammetry has been an essential part of the mapping and land development process. Without it, the completion of our national topographic quadrangles would have been impossible. And I'm sure most of our .... Read the Article |
Aerial Imaging Technology Spotlight The vision of the founding members of ASPRS was farsighted indeed. Their 1934 mission to advance knowledge and understanding of the mapping sciences today encompasses a broad spectrum of scientific, social and commercial enterprises. To complement the timeline in ... Read the Article |
BIM and Laser Scanning for As-built and Adaptive Reuse Projects:The Opportunity for Surveyors In his inaugural speech the new President made many references to using our natural resources more wisely, to reducing our carbon and water footprints, and investing in ... Read the Article |
Rapid-Fire Surveying When the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) set out to rebuild Interstate 15 south of Salt Lake City, the department needed accurate one-foot contour interval mapping and a digital terrain model (DTM). With accurate maps and models of the 20-mile stretch of .... Read the Article |
A Visit to Hemisphere GPS In keeping with the magazine's mission of presenting new technology and introducing our readers to the people who make it happen, it was with pleasure that I recently visited Hemisphere GPS (Hemisphere) in Scottsdale, Arizona. The company is headquartered in Calgary, but most of .... Read the Article |
Vantage Point: Phasing in the New Elevation Certificate At long last, the revised Elevation Certificate arrived on April 2, 2009, bringing with it new building diagrams and new instructions designed to further the goals of sound floodplain management. No doubt, by now many have seen the memo issued by FEMA a month after ... Read the Article |
Model Behavior: The How-To Guide to Successful Surface Modeling I'd like you to take a moment to think about what it is we do in this (not so very) new digital world as it relates to our traditional work products, specifically making maps. I realize many of you may perform boundary surveys, write legal descriptions, and engage in ... Read the Article |
Surprise Bridges the Gap between CAD and GIS Located in Arizona's Sonora desert, the city of Surprise is a booming Phoenix suburb with a small-town feel and big city amenities. One of those amenities includes the city's GIS, which has helped meet the technology requirements of one of America's fastest-growing cities. At the peak of ... Read the Article |