| “Wienhenge” The Weeks Field Sundial Project Vision, ingenuity and extreme patience culminate in a one-of-a-kind work of art and technology. By Martin Gutoski, LS. 3,036kb |
| Conference Review: Trimble Dimensions 2010 Under the banner of Converge, Connect, Collaborate, this popular user conference sets the bar. By Gavin Schrock, LS 2,519kb |
| Look Closer–Using Pictures in Research Surveyors can be creative when it comes to measuring. In this story, a surveyor uses old photographs to establish what was where and when. By Kenneth T. Mills, LS 2,441kb |
| Boundary Hunters The boundary of a wild and woolly Arkansas tract steeped in history is retraced using modern technology. By G. C. Skipper 2,217kb |
| Surveyors Report: Changes in ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Standards for 2011 An opportunity for surveyors and a call to action. By Trent Turk, LS 133kb |